Monday, February 25, 2013

Reese- 3 Months

**Warning- Picture Overload!**

So far I've been good at doing these monthly updates for Reese, hopefully I can last! 

My sweet baby girl turned 3 months last week and I can hardly believe that much time has gone by since she was born.  I don't think I can call her a newborn anymore.  *sniff*  She's chunkin' up and I love it!  I could just eat her precious little cheeks up! Ok, enough gushing, but I just love this little girl to pieces!

Ok, lets talk about that hairbow for a minute, too cute right?!  My talented friend Ali makes and sells them in her etsy shop.  I have a few in different colors and they're so fun!

 Reese is my little cuddle bug.  She loves to snuggle and I love to hold my snuggly girl!  She's getting good at holding her head up but she'll still cuddle a lot.  As soon as Gray could hold his head up that was the end of cuddles.  (Until he turned 2 and decided he likes to cuddle sometimes, yay.)  So I'm hopeful to still have lots more cuddles with her!

I was a very cuddly baby, maybe she takes after me.  I was a lot worse though, I didn't want to be put down ever.  Made things very difficult for my mom. :)  Reese is so good and easy-going, she's happy cuddling or being put down on her jungle gym or in her swing or crib or wherever!

 onesie- Carter's, pink bow- here, owl- Anthropologie

She's started to find her voice this past month quite a bit.  She coos and babbles and makes the cutest little baby noises you ever did hear.  When I coo and babble at her, she'll do it back.  It's so sweet, like we're having a conversation.

 oh my, the cheeks! love 'em

Reese hardly ever spits up, which is so nice.  Grayson did most every feeding.  So this is a nice change.  Although, I made all these burp rags for her thinking I'd need them like with Gray.  We've barely touched them!  But that's ok, I'm not complaining.  She IS a drooler though, Gray wasn't.  She can soak your sleeve in no time flat!  Maybe I'll start using those burp rags on my arm when I'm holding her just to soak up the drool.

 She's just starting to figure out her hands a little bit.  She reaches out and tries to grab things.  You can tell it takes a lot of concentration for her.  She did really well grabbing a hanging toy in her swing today.  I was so proud!

Getting Minnie Mouse!
 I was trying to sit Minnie next to her for the picture but Reese kept grabbing her and pulling her up to chew on.  It was pretty funny.  She was fast too!

Reese is such a sweet and happy little girl.  She brings us so much joy and I'm so happy she's part of our family.  Time since she was born has gone so fast yet at the same time I can hardly remember life without her anymore.  We love you little Reesie Peesie!

After the photo shoot with Daddy.  Being a model is tough work! :)


  1. What a cute girl! I love seeing all the pictures.

  2. ADORABLE :) She is precious Jenna! Oh, and thanks for the plug on the hair bow - she is the perfect model! xo

  3. It sounds like she's just like Cade! Haha. Seriously, tho, I could copy almost all of your post, change the name, and put it on my blog! Isn't it nice having a baby that is happy, cuddly, and almost spit-up free? :-) she's so adorable!

  4. Love that baby girl!! What cute pictures :)

  5. In a couple of the pictures, her eyes look almost blue. Love her cheeks and second chin and everything about her!
