I also can’t help but to write about another AMAZING deal I scored! This time it was at… Toys ‘R Us! (did you know they have great deals? I never would have thought so.) And the deal was on cleaning products! Bet you didn’t think I was going to say that. :) So I was actually there with a friend doing a toy deal and saw that most of Seventh Generation cleaning products were on clearance for $1.98, which is a pretty good deal by itself. Especially for laundry detergent, which was $1.98 too! Anyways, so I knew there were coupons available online but I didn’t have them with me. So I went home, printed them ALL out, and went back later in the day. There are 5 coupons on the site which can be printed 2 times each. And they were all for $1 off (or $2 off 2, which is the same thing). So I went back with my coupons in hand and scored 6 dishwashing liquid bottles for $0.98 each, 1 dryer sheet box for $0.98 and 1 bottle of laundry detergent (that was all they had left ☹) for FREE! I got the detergent free because while I was looking at all the Seventh Generation products, I saw that the dishwashing soap had some coupons hanging like a tag on the bottles for $2 off any SG laundry detergent. And since it was marked down $1.98… it was free! I love free stuff. Especially things like that which can be so expensive normally priced and that you have to buy anyway. I only wish they’d had more detergent, but hey, 1 free one is great! So this is what I got for a grand total of $7.70 something after tax.
And if you want to get in on this deal, it would be easy to print off the coupons here and check your local Toys ‘R Us or Babies ‘R Us (they have the same things on clearance) to see what you can get. And don’t worry Lexington girls, there were still plenty left when I was there Saturday! (well, except laundry detergent of course) They also had fabric softener and other cleaning products available for $1.98.
Here are some more pics from the weekend. Josh and I did Easter baskets for each other. We hid them for each other and then found them; it was fun. I asked for no candy, so mine was a present (a UK shirt! which I have been wanting). Also, another belly pic for those who have been asking for more! I’m starting to show for real now. I know because other people are noticing! Friends, people at work, and even one of the students at the school I work at have said they can tell now. The student who could tell, a 3rd grade girl, came up to me today and said something like, “when’s your baby coming?” I said, “not for awhile.” I asked if she could tell because she looked right at my stomach before asking the question. She says, “yeah, cause you used to be skinny.” HAHAHA, it was hard no to laugh when she said that. ☺
lol! That's so funny "you used to be skinny" aww! One time when I was a kid I asked a teacher if she was pregnant and she said, "No..I already had my baby". I was so mortified I learned that lesson early on! Never ask if you are not positive!! Haha! You look so cute, Jenna!
new follower :)
Oh my goodness! Yay, for a baby belly! And what like 3 days until you know what he or she is. You better call me as soon as you know. And now I'm going to look up the toys r us deals. Thanks Jenna! And I'm impressed you didn't ask for any candy, you are so good. How did you do it, you love candy, I know that! Anyway, can't wait to hear:)
Oh my goodness! My baby is having a baby! I think you look amazing. --Mom
ahhh jenna you look so cute!! and as always, i'm so impressed with your amazing couponing skills! :)
Wow girl, You have grown since I have seen you last :) So exciting! Good job on the fabulous deals! And the nursery looks like it is coming together, wahoo!
Jenna, hope you saved the receipt for your seventh generation products, there is a $5 Mail in rebate when you buy 3 products. Just google it, I sent my form in yesterday. Hope it is still available for you!
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