Friday, October 1, 2010

Say Cheese!

So on the last post I mentioned that Grayson smiles.  Well guess what?!  I got it on video and it is just too cute!  The video is about 45 seconds and the first smile comes at around 30 seconds followed soon by a 2nd smile.  Enjoy! :)


Jake and Lauren said... 1

ahh i love it! he's too adorable! you're killing me jenna! haha

Marlee said... 2

I LOVE his big smile at the end! He is so cute!

The Reynolds Family said... 3

DAR LING! Love this sweet little boy! So glad you came over and visited today! Hope we can do that more often:)

The Daytons said... 4

Okay that was the cutest thing ever! How sweet! He is such a cutie!

Unknown said... 5

He is only the coolest nephew I ever did have!!!
I watch this video 50 times a day =D and find all my smiles!