Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Just Being Cute

Can I just say how much I LOVE this little boy!  He is so sweet and so cute and so wonderful.  I just can't get enough of him.  He makes me smile all the time.  He makes me happy all the time.  He makes this super hard mommy job totally and completely worth it!  (it's a lot harder than I thought it would be.  I mean I knew it'd be hard, just not this hard.)  He is 2 months old and growing up way too fast.  He can lift his head up really well.  He always loves looking around at everything.  Whenever I hold him facing me, he is constantly whipping his around back and forth so he can see all around.  He smiles so big and so sweetly.  His most smilely time is right after he's eaten, burped, and had a diaper change.  He also always smiles when we put his car seat down in the car and he sees his little monkey mirror.  It's SO cute watch him when he sees it and just breaks out into the biggest grin.  I love it.  And it really is every time we put him in the car, without fail.  He loves looking at his crib mobile and playing on his jungle gym.  Here are some pictures of my little button over the last week or so.  

Oh how these smiles melt my heart.

 Look at my cute jacket.

 milk coma! plus it looks like he's showing off his muscles

 I got that monkey all by myself!

 Look Auntie Holly and Auntie Annalyn- I'm wearing monkey-butt for the last time!  Mommy made me squeeze into it one more time for a picture!


The Daytons said...

I love his hair! I mean I love all of him but I just can't get enough of his beautiful, I guess I should say handsome hair!