Thursday, June 9, 2011

{Saving the Green Stuff}

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I wanted to share my latest couponing adventure with you fabulous folks!  I just got back from Rite Aid and I went to CVS yesterday.  Here is what I got.

  • John Frieda Full Repair Shampoo and Conditioner
  • 2 OxiClean Pre-Treater Gel Sticks {I just ran out of my Stain Stick too}
  • 2 Dial foaming hand soaps
  • 1 Crest toothpaste
  • 2 Oral-B toothbrushes
My subtotal, before coupons, was $31.83.  No way would I pay that much for all of that!
But after coupons it was....
    Only $5 OOP (out of pocket) for all the above items.  
     The shampoo alone was $5 before coupons.
    AND I also got back:
    • $10 SCR (single check rebate) which is a check that I can cash into my back account
    • $6 in ECBs (from CVS) which is $6 good towards anything at CVS
    • $3.60 in UP+ Rewards (from Rite Aid) which is like the ECBs, good for $3.60 towards anything in my next Rite Aid trip
    So that's $19.60 back, take away the $5 I spent, and I made $14.60!  Woot woot!

    That's what I call a successful couponing trip.  I just want to add, I've never watched the show Extreme Couponing.  I've heard about it, but we don't have tv.  I'm not one of those buy 15 Maalox and clear the shelf people though.  I've been couponing since before that show came and I use Hip2Save to find my deals.  It's the best couponing site I've found {believe me, I've read a bunch, especially when I first started}.  I've been couponing just under 2 years now.  I'm no expert, but I have learned a lot and definitely know the ins and outs of the drugstores and Target and Walmart.  If you have any questions, let me know!  I'd love to help. :)

    *Also, I would like to add that real couponing, aka saving a lot of money not just using coupons here and there, is not for the faint of heart!  It takes time, effort, and patience.  There is a lot to learn in the beginning.  It is work.  But the fruits of your efforts are oh-so-worth-it people!  Just thought I'd add that. :)


    Megan and Justin said... 1

    I seriously wish I could coupon! Once I graduate, I'm diggin in! just found your blog and it's adorable! following now!

    Anonymous said... 2

    I would love to learn how to coupon. You should do a series about it! Wink wink, nudge nudge. :0)

    Anonymous said... 3

    I love extreme couponing!!! Kudos to getting such a great deal yourself! Saving cash is always a good thing!