Look what I got!
I love her and her blog! She's awesome.
So this is what I have to do.
{and you too if I give it you}
There are 4 duties to perform to accept this award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award
Ok, so I'm pretty bad at thinking of interesting things about myself, so hopefully I can do it.
1. I used to hate, dread, and loathe blogging. My sis-in-law made a blog for me and my hubby when we got married. I felt like I had to do it. Now I absolutely l.o.v.e. it.
2. I'm a big time cuddly girl. I can never get too many cuddles with the hubby.
{he helped me think of that one}
3. I've worn the same pink pants for pajamas for the last 5 years. And I don't just wear them, I wear them ALL THE TIME.
{Also, pink is my FAVORITE color & that really is me in my pink pants and my hubby}

4. I got a
sewing machine this year for my birthday. I was
very intimidated by it at first.
{I still am a little.} But I discovered
I love sewing and now have a list a mile long of things I want make with my sewing machine.
5. I recently realized/admitted/come to grips with the fact that I'm a perfectionist. I'd never thought of myself that way. At all. Someone said something about it to me recently. I was like "huh?" Then I started paying attention to how I do things and I realized I can be a perfectionist
a lot sometimes.
I'm trying to work on this.
6. I'm
super picky when it comes to food AND candy. I love sweetarts, but think the pink and green ones are
gross {esp. the green ones}. I
hate skittles and starburst (and most other hard, fruity candy)
except for the
orange ones. I love the orange ones. Weird huh? But I pretty much just
love chocolate. Period.
7. After having my baby {who is 4 months old} when my pedicure {which I got right before I had my baby} wore away and chipped off I didn't paint them again right away. It was the first time in YEARS and YEARS I had bare toenails.
Moral of the story- Being a mom is the busiest job I've ever had!
So, now to pass on this award!
I'm giving it to these lovely people. All of whom have fabulous blogs!
- Hand in Hand
- Happy Go Lucky
- Love Stitched
- Eighteen 25
- The Daybook
- Little Miss Momma
- Diary of a Preppy Mom
- All About Mommies
- Funky Polka Dot Giraffe
- Increasingly Domestic
- Paisley Passions
- Spunky Junky
- I Heart Organizing
- Crafts and Sutch
- Craftily Ever After